Recent reads (and listens) – October edition

‘Tis almost November (wut?!) which means it’s time to share a small selection of books and podcasts that made me think, laugh, and do some noodlin’ in October. They’re sure to do the same for you:

For short and actionable wisdom from over 100 world-class leaders in their field:

Tools of Titans – Tim Ferriss.

To read 27 contradicting philosophies of how to live your life and one weird/awesome conclusion:

How to Live – Derek Sivers

Essential listening for anyone intersted in improving any relationship:

Esther Perel with Brené Brown

Bonus for any reader looking to improve their golf swing (#niche):

Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons – Ben Hogan (also relevant for anyone noodling on how to break down learning a new skill).

PS. Do you enjoy sharing the love? Then pass this blog on to a friend and have them join the 1,000+ legends just like you scratching their noodle twice per week.