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Some thoughts on ‘failing’

I missed posting last week.

Does that count as a failure?

Initially, I thought, not. After all, failure seems like such a harsh word, and I only missed one week.

Plus, I had my reasons (excuses).

But none of these is overly helpful. None of them hints at learning, growth or change. They’re fixed justifications and, well, excuses.

And yet: failure is merely a story. 

It can be one that paralyses us and causes us to hide or one that empowers us to learn something new.

I mean, if this blog was a startup I could puff my chest out and proudly announce my failure. “Fail fast, fail often” is a much-lauded warcry in that corner of the world. It tells a story about rapid development and constant iteration in the interests of making a product or service better.

The difference between the kind of failure we feel shame over, and the kind we declare proudly, is the story we tell as a result of the failure.

Is the story one of sabotage or one of improvement?

One of hopelessness or one of possibility?

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