Journal prompts worth trying

A random selection of tried and tested prompts for you to noodle on. See if you can fill a page based on one of the below:

  • Right now I’m feeling…
  • 10 awesome things that happened today are…
  • Where am I most often experiencing friction in my day?
  • What’s the hard part?
  • A successful day for me looks like…
  • Who am I becoming?
  • What would 80 year old me say to current day me?

Once you’ve picked one of these the process might look something like this:

Grab a new notepad out of the cupboard > spend 10min summoning up the courage to put ink onto the beautiful fresh pages > write the neatest first 3 lines you’ve ever written, as if you were back in grade 3 going for your pen license > swear under your breath as you realise you misspelled a word > in your frustration to scribble out said word spill coffee all over the fresh pages of your brand new notepad > swear under breath some more > revert back to your regular, barely legible writing technique on your now coffee-stained page.

The joys of introspection. Go go go.